Gallery of recent sites worked on

Click on thumbnail image to view large image

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Social Sandton Cubs and Scouts

Displayable Features

Friendly URLs Enabled, Image Gallery

Browser Languages & Techniques

HTML4 / XHTML, CSS2, Javascript

Server Side Languages & Features

PHP5.x, Object Orientated Programming, MySQL Database, User Maintainable Content

Social Raptor Anti Poaching Organization.png

Displayable Features

Friendly URLs Enabled, Contact Us Form

Browser Languages & Techniques

HTML4 / XHTML, CSS2, Javascript

Server Side Languages & Features

PHP5.x, Object Orientated Programming, MySQL Database

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Website Developer

Hire me on

To create a memorable website you need to start with a thought that's worth remembering.

Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.

When debugging, novices insert corrective code - experts remove defective code.

Practice safe design: Use a concept.